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Welcome to Whole Soul Lifers

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Mindset Matters

About Whole Soul Lifers

At Whole Soul Lifers, we believe a Purposeful Mindset is key to thriving in life. Our mission is to help you  and your business grow strong in PIPP - Purpose, Intention, Perseverance and Passion for life. A practice of healthy habits, plant-based foods, and other wellness tools guide you and your organization.  Be an organization with an intentional purpose for your employees and your community.

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Our Mission

Wellness is the state of being in good health actively pursued.  True wellness comes from a holistic-whole body approach.  We customize programs that incorporate mindset tools, yoga, healthy habits and other practices specifically designed for your organization .  With leaders at the forefront who considers health a priority.

Our Approach

Be challenged to think about business differently.   Help your employees explore their purpose and soft skills to help guide their actions, emotions, and personal growth.  We collaborate with organizations that value the talent and potential of their workforce by delivering dynamic, inspiring, and engagement tools that empower individuals from within. 

Join Our Community

We are designed for business and community.  These two work hand-in-hand.  Wellness is not a destination, but a journey.  A path of constant transformation and experiences.

We offer a supportive community where team members can connect.  Each to  share and experience  a purpose-driven life together.

About Me

Founder, Lifestyle Coach 

As someone who has personally experienced the overwhelming effects of stress, I've been there. But I'm here to assure you it is absolutely possible to regain control and live a healthy, happy life.

I learned the practice of meditation, healthy eating habits.  I also embraced my spirituality to maintain a healthy l
ifestyle.  While it was not always easy, I was intentional, which allowed me to step into a remarkable  transformation. My purpose now is to help others live a life of PIPP--Purpose, Intention, Passion, Perseverance.

I'm passionate about helping you and your business begin a transformative wellness journey.  A healthier and happier life that will benefit you, your business and your community.

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Let's Stay Connected

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Welcome to our wellness community!

 Lifestyle Masterclasses

Mindset Matters

A Plant-based Journey

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